Monday, August 13, 2018

Top Four countries for Adventure touring Motorcycle trips

Exploring an array of landscapes on a high performing bike is something that every adventure seeker dreams of. The dreams of taking the bike in the wilderness or on the high mountains are an experience of a lifetime. This has given rise to the trend to adventure touring motorcycle trips. Since every country has something unique to offer, so the experience is also unique. 

Here are some of the countries where you can test your hands on a super cool Harley Davidson. 

Iceland – The land of amazing changing landscapes, Northern Lights and boiling geysers, Iceland makes for the perfect place to explore on a two wheeler. Think about the rush of adrenaline that comes into you as your bike passes through the lush green scenic landscapes with volcanic mountains looking at you from a distance. 

Russia – When we speak of countries with diverse landscapes, Russia is one place that you need to explore on motorcycle. The cities in Moscow offer the best cultural experience. You can find a customized Moscow tour or a just bike across Saint Petersburg for a leisurely day off and we promise that you won’t be disappointed.  

India – Biking in India has everything. You can travel between Sea Shores, Deserts and High Himalayan Mountains in a mere span of 15 days. You can travel in the white sandy dunes of Rajasthan or explore the gorgeous hills of Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh, your trip will never disappoint you. 

Nepal – The hilly regions of Nepal have a lot of sharp cut roads that present a challenge for biking enthusiast. So why don’t you take this challenge and set your goal to explore this country soon enough?

Explore the best of every country with Vibrant Holidays. For more details, contact our travel experts today.